Gluta kasthuri face & body cream

by @Promos Verified Merchant

Category: Cosmetics

Rs.1,100  Order Now

Gluta kasthuri face and body cream is one of the leading quality cosmetic products from thailand. this is a quality product and you can get radiant skin without any adverse side effects. it does not contain bleach. it contains glutathione as well as kojic acid, collogen, vit c, e which brightens the skin quickly. this will nourish your skin and give it a radiant complexion. the specialty here is that once you get the whiteness you want it will never be the same and gives you the whitest natural natural skin with long-term use. buy gluta kasthuri face and body cream and see the difference! the real difference you have never experienced is at a reasonable price

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City/Town: Colombo

Published: 11 March 2022

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